
Health is wealth. There is nothing in our life that is more valuable than good health. Without health there is no happiness, no peace and no success. A person with bad health cannot enjoy the pleasure of being wealthy.

Yoga for Healthcare:

Yoga can cure almost any disease under the sky. Yoga is the best way for healthcare and Yoga cure stress relief, reducing your weight, belly fat and many diseases.

Fruit and Vegetables for Healthcare:

Fruits and Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and Vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy.

Herbs for Healthcare:

Natural herb home remedies are using for Beauty, diabetes, typhoid, pain, cancer, heart disease, chronic disease and discovering amazing new powers in the best healing herbs.

Yoga for Healthcare:

Yoga can cure almost any disease under the sky. Yoga is the best way for healthcare and Yoga cure stress relief, reducing your weight, belly fat and many diseases.

Fruit and Vegetables for Healthcare:

Fruits and Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and Vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy.

Herbs for Healthcare:

Natural herb home remedies are using for Beauty, diabetes, typhoid, pain, cancer, heart disease, chronic disease and discovering amazing new powers in the best healing herbs.

Yoga for Healthcare:

Yoga can cure almost any disease under the sky. Yoga is the best way for healthcare and Yoga cure stress relief, reducing your weight, belly fat and many diseases.

Fruit and Vegetables for Healthcare:

Fruits and Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and Vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy.

Herbs for Healthcare:

Natural herb home remedies are using for Beauty, diabetes, typhoid, pain, cancer, heart disease, chronic disease and discovering amazing new powers in the best healing herbs.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Home Remedies for DIY Makeup Remover (Healthcare)

Home Remedies for DIY Makeup Remover (Healthcare)

Home Remedies for DIY Makeup Remover (Healthcare)
It’s very important to remove your makeup before going to bed no matter how tired you.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Upward Extended Feet Pose (Salamba Prasarita Padasana)


  • It helps in strengthening the core abdominal muscles
  • It tones the organs in the abdomen
  • It improves lumbar spine strength
  • It helps Improve flexibility of the hip flexors
  • Practicing the pose also helps in reducing fat in the abdominal area. 
Contraindications and Cautions:  
  • Lower back injuries
  • Chronic lower back pain
  • Sciatic pain
  • If you are pregnant
  • If you are menstruating

Left twist (Marichyasana left)


  • Massages abdominal organs, including the liver and kidneys
  • Stretches the shoulders
  • Stimulates the brain
  • Relieves mild backache and hip pain
  • Strengthens and stretches the spine
Contraindications and Cautions: 
  • Serious back or spine injury
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Migraine
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Insomnia

Garland Pose (Malasana)


  • Stretches your ankles, groin, lower hamstrings, back and neck
  • Tones your abdominals
  • Aids in digestion
  • Strengthens your metabolism
  • Keeps your pelvic and hip joints healthy
  • Ideal for prenatal yoga

Contraindications and Cautions:
  • Low back or knee injuries

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

  • Effective in weight loss.
  • Improves digestion and appetite.
  • Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Cures constipation.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Gives flexibility to the back.
  • Strengthens back muscles.
  • Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
  • Act as a stress reliever.
  • Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
  • Cure menstruation disorder.
  • Improve function of kidney and liver.
  • It improves posture.
  • Releases back pain.
  • Cures respiratory disorder like asthama.
  • Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
  • Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.
  • - See more at:

  • Effective in weight loss.
  • Improves digestion and appetite.
  • Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Cures constipation.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Gives flexibility to the back.
  • Strengthens back muscles.
  • Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
  • Act as a stress reliever.
  • Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
  • Cure menstruation disorder.
  • Improve function of kidney and liver.
  • It improves posture.
  • Releases back pain.
  • Cures respiratory disorder like asthama.
  • Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
  • Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.
  • - See more at:

    Dhanurasana – Bow Pose Yoga Benefits

    Dhanurasana - Bow Pose Yoga Benefits
    Dhanurasana is very effective in weight loss program. It is a basic posture of Hatha yoga. In this exercise our body pose look like the shape of the Dhanush (bow). So it is called as Dhanurasana in Sanskrit. It helps to reduce belly fat fast. It Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord.

    Steps for Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

    1. Lie on the ground (on stomach) facing downwards.
    2. Relax completely with 2-3 breaths.
    3. Inhale slowly and starts bending your legs backwards and catch the ankles with the hands as shown in the above image.
    4. You will see that your body is now in the shape of a bow.
    5. In this position your whole weight will come on your abdomen. Only your stomach and pelvic area will touch the ground.
    6. Hold this position for few 15-20 seconds and continue taking a deep breath. You can increase the time after practicing this.
    7. Now after 15-20 seconds exhale slowly and come back to starting position.
    8. Repeat this cycle for 4- 5 times daily.

    Benefits of Dhanurasana

    1. Effective in weight loss.
    2. Improves digestion and appetite.
    3. Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
    4. Cures constipation.
    5. Improves blood circulation.
    6. Gives flexibility to the back.
    7. Strengthens back muscles.
    8. Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
    9. Act as a stress reliever.
    10. Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
    11. Cure menstruation disorder.
    12. Improve function of kidney and liver.
    13. It improves posture.
    14. Releases back pain.
    15. Cures respiratory disorder like asthama.
    16. Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
    17. Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.
    - See more at:

    • Effective in weight loss.
    • Improves digestion and appetite.
    • Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
    • Cures constipation.
    • Improves blood circulation.
    • Gives flexibility to the back.
    • Strengthens back muscles.
    • Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
    • Act as a stress reliever.
    • Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
    • Cure menstruation disorder.
    • Improve function of kidney and liver.
    • It improves posture.
    • Releases back pain.
    • Cures respiratory disorder like asthama.
    • Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
    • Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.

    Contraindications and Cautions: 
    • High or low blood pressure
    • Migraine
    • Insomnia
    • Serious lower-back or neck injury


    Easy Forward Bend Pose (Sahaja Uttanasana)

    • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
    • Stimulates the liver and kidneys
    • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips
    • Strengthens the thighs and knees
    • Improves digestion
    • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
    • Reduces fatigue and anxiety
    • Relieves headache and insomnia
    • Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis

    Contraindications and Cautions:

     Back injury: Do this pose with bent knees, or perform Ardha Uttanasana (pronounced ARE-dah, ardha= half), with your hands on the wall, legs perpendicular to your torso, and arms parallel to the floor.

    Monday, January 4, 2016

    Knee Press, Both Legs (Pavanamuktasana)

    • This asana cures acidity problems, indigestion and constipation.
    • Pavanamuktasana is very good for the abdominal organs
    • Regular practice of this asana cures gastric problems
    • This asana is very helpful for people suffering from arthritis pain, heart problems, waist pain and acidity.
    • This asana gives flat stomach.  So every one can practice this asana for flat stomach
    • This asana strengthens the digestive system, purifies impure air, helps in diabetes, high blood pressure.
    • Warms up and prepares the body for more challenging poses.
    • Relaxes and unwinds leg muscles.
    • Helps relieve stomach gas and constipation.
    • Eliminates tension in the back.

     Contraindications and Cautions:

    Must be avoided if there is recent abdominal surgery as there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen. Anyone suffering from hernia or piles should avoid this asana. Pregnant women should not practice this asana.  

    Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

    • Strengthens and improves flexibility in the inner thighs, groins and the knees.
    • Helps prepare the hips and groins for meditative seated poses, which require more flexibility in these areas.
    • Stimulates the abdominal organs, potentially improving the health of the ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder.
    • Helps relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
    • Soothes menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
    • Metaphysically opens up the groin area helping to relieve sexual inhibitions and guilt.
    • Therapeutic for flat feet, high blood pressure, infertility, and asthma.
    • Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
    • Traditional texts say that Baddha Konasana destroys disease and gets rid of fatigue.

     Contraindications and Cautions:
    • Recent or chronic hip, groin or knee injury or inflammation.